The benefits level is actually considered as 0

The benefits level is actually considered as 0

Within this studies, decimal variables was displayed regarding imply and you may fundamental deviation and you may stratified details with regards to number and you will percentages. T-shot was used to compare the fresh new setting and you can logistic regression analysis was used to test the fresh new separate variables within the postpartum depression. 05.

The benefits level is actually considered as 0

Within this studies, decimal variables was displayed regarding imply and you may fundamental deviation and you may stratified details with regards to number and you will percentages. T-shot was used to compare the fresh new setting and you can logistic regression analysis was used to test the fresh new separate variables within the postpartum depression. 05.

The benefits level is actually considered as 0

Within this studies, decimal variables was displayed regarding imply and you may fundamental deviation and you may stratified details with regards to number and you will percentages. T-shot was used to compare the fresh new setting and you can logistic regression analysis was used to test the fresh new separate variables within the postpartum depression. 05.

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